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What Cage Size Does A Hamster Need?

 There are a lot of factors that go into deciding on a cage for your hamster, but the most important one is the cage’s size. With this in mind, you’ve probably thought to yourself, what would be the right size cage for me to buy?

Experienced hamster owners suggest 450 square inches as the minimal size for a hamster’s cage. Bigger is better when it comes to your hamster’s cage, so try to get a larger cage if possible and follow up with getting the best possible setup inside, to provide your little furry friend with a rich and interesting environment.

However, there are still other factors to consider when choosing a hamster cage size: type of hamster, ease of cleaning, and ventilation. And if you keep reading, I’ll elaborate further on these factors to ensure you pick the perfect cage for your hamster.

What’s The Recommended Cage Size For A Hamster?

Imagine if you were to spend most of your day caged. Naturally, you’d want that space to be –

  • As large as possible.
  • Filled with fun things to do!

It’s the same with your hamster, really. We tried researching for actual guidelines – and it wasn’t easy! Organizations such as the Animal Humane Society, and the British RSPCA no longer state any concrete numbers where it comes to hamster cage size. Instead, they opt for a general “as large as you can” recommendation. The ASPCA recommends getting as large a cage as possible and mention a 10 gallon because the minimal size.

In the past, the American Humane Society used to recommend 288 square inches as the minimal size for a hamster size, and we used to reflect that here in this post. Follow-up comments by page readers encouraged us to take down that recommendation (thank you, guys! We appreciate the feedback and want to help hammies out there get better care!).

So, if you want to keep your hamster healthy, happy and as stress-free as possible, we recommend sticking with the standard put forward by Hamster Hideout: 450 square inches. Look for large enough tanks or cages to give your little pet the perfect home.

Syrian Hamsters Cages Vs. Dwarf Hamsters

Surprisingly, there is not a huge difference in the needs of these two species where it comes to living space. Dwarf hamsters may be smaller but they still need a large enough territory to call their own.

Examples Of Large Hamster Cages

Here are some great cages you can order right off Amazon.

Prevue Pet Products 528 Small Pets Cage

This cage is 32.5 long and 19 inches wide, providing a total of over 600 square inches of floor space divided between two levels. The second floor isn’t too high, making it safe enough even for a clumsy hamster. Wire spacing is under half an inch, which is safe for an adult Syrian hamster.

Niteangel Glass Tank For Hamsters

If you’re looking for a tank kind of cage, this one comes highly praised by hamster owners. At 36 inches long and 18 inches wide, this cage offers your hammy a total of 648 square feet of floor space. That’s plenty of room for burrowing, playing, and enjoying a variety of hamster toys.

How Much Does A Good-Sized Hamster Cage Cost?

Expect to pay $80-$350 for a good hamster cage that offers plenty of room. Generally speaking, wire cages are cheaper than glass tanks.

Yes, that’s a significant expense, but it’s a price an animal lover should be happy to pay for the welfare of the pet in his or her care. if they’re introduced at a young age, they could be housed together.

What Does Science Say?

We only know of a single scientific study on this topic. Published in 2007, researchers Gebhardt-Henrich, Fischer and Steiger, examined the behavior of 60 Syrian hamster females in cages of various sizes.

The smallest cage in the study was 1,800 square cm in floor space, which is about the same size as 288 square inches. The largest was an enormous 10,000 square cms large cage (that’s about 1,550 square inches). The researchers recorded the behavior of the hamsters, looking for signs of stress.

Not surprisingly, the smaller the cage, the more stressed out the hamsters were. In the smaller cages, they chewed on the bars and tried to walk on the walls and roof of the cage. They were far more relaxed in the larger cage. If you do, it’s likely they will fight each other because they’re very territorial about their living spaces. After all, you don’t want your little hamster to get cold during the night.

Still, the bottom line clearly shows that hamsters enjoy larger cages.

Factors To Consider When Choosing The Size Of Your Hamster’s Cage

Hamster cage with two toy house and drinking bottle

It might sound weird, but the size of the cage isn’t the only factor you must consider when choosing the cage’s size. You probably read that with a look of confusion on your face; however, there are three other aspects you must contend with before picking an ideal sized cage:

  1. Hamster breed/type
  2. Ventilation issues
  3. Stimulation and space for exercising
  4. The number of hamsters

Let’s look into each one of these aspects.

Type Of Hamster

There are three common species of pet hamsters most people keep are Syrian, Dwarf, and Chinese. And as you might expect, each one has different needs with regards to their cage sizes.

Syrian Hamsters

The most commonly sold hamster in the pet marketplace, the Syrian, is also the largest at about 6 to 7 inches. With being the most common hamster, the general information you find about taking care of hamsters is often based on this species.

Therefore, the following general measurements mentioned above would be perfect for a Syrian Hamster: 24 inches long by 12 inches wide or bigger for an aquarium and a minimum of 2 square feet for a wire cage.

Furthermore, it’s essential to note that most of the plastic cages won’t work for Syrians. See, the built-in wheels and tubes are often too small for this particular species. If they do use these tubes and get stuck, it can end up being a nightmare.

And since these hamsters are notorious for loving to play and run around, I’d also recommend going for a bigger-sized cage rather than the minimum space required. If you don’t, it’s likely they’ll be more active in trying to escape.

Lastly, it’s essential you realize these hamsters can’t be housed with one another. So, if you are looking into getting multiple hamsters, please refrain from getting Syrians.

Now, granted, in a home environment, you’d be getting your hamster out more often. And if you already have a problem with hamsters fighting each additional – of any species – make sure you read our guide on playfighting vs. fighting in hamsters.

Now, if you aren’t too keen about cleaning your hamster’s cage, you might think a smaller option might be better for you.

Dwarf Hamsters

Given the name, you shouldn’t be shocked that Dwarf hamsters a bit smaller than their Syrian counterparts. Now, these hamsters come in three different types: Campbells, Siberian, and Roborovski.

These Dwarf hamsters can range anywhere from 2 to 5 inches long. Due to this, you’ll a tightly secured cage that won’t allow them to escape. After all, their smaller size makes it much easier for them to squeeze through openings than it’s for Syrians.

However, this enhanced ability to escape doesn’t mean you should get a much smaller cage from them. See, these hamsters still need a lot of room to run. And if they don’t, they can become quite a handful for the owner.

With this in mind, you should stick to the 24 inches long by 12 inches wide or 2 square foot guideline. But if you’re on a budget, you can go a little under this guideline with a Dwarf hamster.

Also, I’d consider getting a plastic modular cage with a dwarf hamster because the built-in wheels and tubes are a perfect size for them. However, there’s another caveat these little creatures do bring to the table; After all, vet bills will also be expensive should your hammy get sick or injured – this is not a low-cost pet (no family pet ever is).

In fact, these hamsters tend to be happier living with a little friend. So, if you’re looking to get a Dwarf hamster, maybe looking into obtainting two and creating a little Dwarf hamster duo. But if you do get two, you’ll need a much larger cage to let each hamster has its own space.

In other words, don’t be the person who stuffs two Dwarf hamsters in a minimum space required cage. Trust me; it will be a disaster, and it will make your life a nightmare.

How Big Of A Cage Do You Need For Two Dwarf Hamsters?

The minimum cage size you want to aim for regarding dwarf hamsters is 24-inches by 12-inches and at least 12-inches tall. This size is recommended for a single dwarf hamster to have plenty of space to run around. When it comes to hamster cages, bigger is always better. You want them to be able to get away from each other as well. For two dwarf hamsters, aim for at least 700-square-inches of space!

This Petsfit Cage is fantastic for keeping a couple of dwarf hamsters together. This cage has 735-square-inches of space and hideaway areas. Remember to monitor your hamsters to make sure one isn’t being bullied!

Thehabitat from Mcage is a different fun option. While it doesn’t quite meet the 700-square-inches of space, standing at only 294-square-ins, it is 24-inches tall with plenty of locations for your hamsters to spread out. If you’re looking for a cheaper option, this may be a good fit, but again monitor the hamsters closely and be prepared to separate them if you need to.

Read more: Top 8 Dwarf Hamster Cages

Chinese Hamster

Regarding necessary cage size requirements, there’s not much difference between a Chinese hamster and a Dwarf hamster. Honestly, there are only subtle differences between the two in general.

Therefore, if you have a Chinese hamster, a 24 inches long by 12 inches wide cage should more than do the trick. And you must realize these hamsters are incredibly agile and are notorious for escaping their cages.

Also, they’re a lot less socially friendly than a Dwarf hamster. Now, this personality trait doesn’t mean they can’t live with another hamster like a Syrian; but they’re a lot less get along with another hamster than a Dwarf one would.

Ventilation Issues

It may seem like large glass, or plastic tanks don’t offer enough ventilation – and that would actually be the case for many small pets. However, hamsters don’t produce as much urine as other small pets, so they can actually do well with solid walls, so long as the tank’s cover allows air to go in and out freely.

This type of cages also protects your hamster from drafts. If you do get a wire cage, make sure you chose an area that’s doesn’t experience too much draftiness. Also, there’s the question of just how many toys, running wheels, and other “fun” things there are in the cage.

Stimulation And Exercise

Possibly the most important thing about the size of a hamster’s cage is just how much space you’re giving your little furry buddy for moving around.

While you should let your hamster out from the cage at least once a day for supervised playtime, he or she will be spending most of the time in that cage. It’s up to you to make sure they have enough room in there. When there’s not enough space available, your hamster will feel stressed.

What’s more, a large cage means you have more room for toys, hamster caves, etc. Which basically means a more stimulating environment for your hammy – and a better quality of life.

The Number Of Hamsters

Again, with Syrian hamsters – the most popular of all pet hamsters – one per cage is the absolute guideline to stick to. Unless you’re breeding a couple of hamsters – which you should not be doing unless you’re an ethical professional breeder of pet hamsters – they must always become kept one-per-cage. And as FYI hamster breeders still keep Syrian hamsters one per cage, except for a very limited time window.

However, with the smaller hamster breeds, it is possible to keep more than one hamster in a swithingle enclosure, tank or cage. In that case, the more hamsters you have, the bigger their living space must be. Make sure there are enough private nook and crannies in there too.

Is Ease Of Cleaning A Factor In Choosing Cage Size?

However, you should really keep your hamster’s well-being in mind, above all. If you can’t commit to cleaning the enclosure or cage, maybe a hamster isn’t the right pet for you.

The type of cage can affect how you clean it, though. Check out this article about the frequency of cleaning a hamster’s cage. It addresses how much time and effort each kind of cage requires.

The complexity of the cage interior design may be more relevant to the cleaning of the cage than its size alone. After all, once you get everything out of there, it really doesn’t matter whether you wash a smaller or a larger container.

It’s Time To Enjoy Life As A Hamster Owner!

Once you establish your preferences about hamster type, cleaning, and ventilation, finding the perfect hamster cage should be simple. And please, don’t stop researching until you find the best one possible for your circumstances.

Trust me: it’s out there!

Size does matter when picking the best cage for your hamster, but choosing the type of cage is important for the hamster. You might be interested in 5 Types of Hamster Cages Every Pet Owner Needs To Know.

By Hamster Care Tips

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