The following article is courtesy of our partner, Banfield Pet Hospital. Used with permission.
Taking care of a cat requires dedication from pet parents to ensure that these cute animals live healthy lives. In this article, we have done our research on when your adopted cat eats constantly.
QUESTION: “I just adopted a new adult cat that seems to eat all day long. Is that normal, and how do you tell if he is fat?”
ANSWER: Some of them really like their food! Several cats must be fed in measured portions at meals times only or they will eat too much. Free feeding leads to end up beingsity for some heavy eaters. It requires a veterinary exam to determine what weight is good for an individual pet. Some small cats are normal at 6 lbs, while some large males are normal at 15 lbs.
Normal body weights can vary for cats. There are some medical causes for weight gain in your cat as well. Check into a veterinary exam for your pet.