While the risk factors for acute and chronic kidney failure are different, their symptoms are similar. Primarily, you should take note of any changes in your cat’s water intake and urination schedule.

Uremia is what happens during kidney failure once the waste and toxins begin building up in your cat’s blood. An increase in urination usually occurs during the early stages of chronic kidney failure, whereas a reduction in urination is typically a sign of acute or late-stage chronic kidney failure.
An increase or decrease in either drinking or urinating can be cause for concern. Its symptoms include the following:
- Weight loss and reduction of appetite
- Dry coat
- Discoloration and ulcers on the tongue or gums
- Bad breath (often with an ammonia-like odor)
- Vomiting and diarrhea

- Anemia (iron loss from gastrointestinal bleeding)
- Coma
Once a coma occurs, death is imminent. Therefore, it’s critical that you take your cat to the veterinarian when she first starts exhibiting any of these symptoms.
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