Teeth, The teething and Tooth Care
These articles explain everything you need to know about puppy teeth. Learn how many baby teeth puppies have, when they appear, and how you can guestimate your puppy’s age just by looking at his teeth. You can even read about when puppies lose their milk teeth, and how many adult dog teeth to expect. Finally, these posts explain common dental problems of dogs and how best to care for your puppy’s teeth by learning how to brush his teeth and provide healthy chewing options.
1. Puppy Teeth and Teething
Most puppies are born without teeth. One of the reasons puppies become chew-maniacs is that during teething―when the new teeth grow in―the gums become sore and chewing helps relieve the discomfort. This article explains what you ought to expect during your puppy’s teething. This roundup of puppy toys includes some designed specifically with the teething pup in mind, but many also work for older pups for play and chewing delight. This article also details the number of adult teeth, the kind of teeth dogs have, and how different types of teeth function.

2. Puppy Dental Disease
Learn about the most common dental issues that affect dogs in this article about puppy oral disease. You’ll learn how to recognize tooth problems, what you can do at home to help prevent canine dental disease, and how veterinarians and veterinary dentists take care of your pet’s teeth. There are even special “dental diets” as well as treats, chew toys, water additives, and other products that can take the bite out of home dental care. And if your puppy has a problem with misaligned teeth, you can find out in this article about the possibility of canine orthodontics.
3. How to Brush Puppy Teeth
Even though puppies will lose their baby teeth and get a new adult set before they’re a year old, it’s important to teach them to accept tooth brushing as early since possible. After all, it’s easier to persuade 10-pound Junior-Pup to open wide and say “ah” than to wrestle with an inexperienced 80-pound adult. This article not only explains why it’s a good idea to brush your puppy’s teeth but also offers user friendly step-by-step instructions. By following tooth brushing tips in this article, your puppy will learn to look forward to getting his teeth brushed every day. And that will impact your pocketbook in a positive way when you won’t have to see the veterinary dentist nearly as often.

4. Puppy Chewing
Puppies chew more than adult dogs, even though many adults continue the habit throughout their lives. Puppy chewing habits directly relate to their teeth. It just feels good, especially when the dog has new teeth coming in. This article addresses all the reasons why puppies chew, and how exactly to best manage the habit with in a healthy and humane way that helps keep you sane and reduces the potential damage of your pet’s gnawing habit.
5. How to Stop Puppy Biting
Puppies use their teeth and mouths in many ways. Since they don’t have hands, the teeth come in handy for grasping and carrying objects, as well as for playing. But needle sharp milk teeth hurt when puppies bite, even if they don’t mean to injure you. This article explains why puppies bite, and how to teach your puppy bite limits while offering them proper opportunities to express this normal behavior.

6. Chewing Toys for Puppies
Good chew toys help enormously during dog teething. You’ll also learn how to estimate the age of a puppy just by looking at the teeth because the various teeth erupt at predictable times.
By Dog Care Tip