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New Legs, New Life: Prosthetic Legs for Oscar the Bionic Cat

 Oscar the Cat became the Bionic Cat when he received two new back feet that are something of a bioengineering miracle. In this article, we will tell you a story about New legs, new Life: Prosthetic legs for Oscar the bionic cat!


Pet prosthetics give dogs and cats a second chance

Oscar the Cat became the Bionic Cat when he received two new back feet that are something of a bioengineering miracle. Oscar was minding his own business, basking in the sunshine in a field in England, when he had a most unfortunate encounter with a combine harvester. He lost both back feet, and for any other cat in the world, that would’ve been the end of him… or at least the end of his walking days. But Oscar had been lucky enough to be found in time and referred to veterinarian Dr. Noel Fitzpatrick, who was willing to attempt something that had never been done before an implant two artificial foot in a single surgical procedure. The custom-made implants “peg” the ankle to the foot and mimic the way in which deer antler bone grows through skin. One maker of pet prosthetics is OrthoPets, in Denver, Colorado.

By far the more common prosthetics for pets are the strap-on type, and even those have been around for only a few years. The artificial feet, in effect, become part of Oscar’s body. They provide custom prosthetics for animals around the globe, including some of Dr. Fitzpatrick’s patients.

This is great news for pets who were born with a partial leg, or who were injured or need an amputation due to cancer. While a dog or cat may be able to adapt pretty well to walking on three legs, it’s not always the optimum life. Limping can end up being stressful on the pet’s back and other legs. And, sometimes a pet loses two legs, making mobility almost impossible. Depending upon how much of the leg is remaining, and the condition of the bone, a prosthetic leg can help a dog or cat walk again, virtually like normal.

Of course, just as when a person gets a prosthetic leg, a dog or cat has to rehabilitate and learn how to walk with it. “Providing a prosthetic leg to a pet is a commitment among us, the veterinarian and the family pet owner,” says Amy Kaufmann, co-founder of OrthoPets. “We want to make sure it’s right for the pet, and that it’s going to be successful.”

OrthoPets will review the pet’s x-rays, discuss the case with the veterinarian, interview the pet owner, and observe videos of the pet to determine if the dog or cat is a good candidate for a device. If so, they send a molding cast to the veterinarian to get the exact shape of the pet’s leg. The pet will receive a Stage 1 prosthetic to get him acclimated. The pet owner and veterinarian work with the pet to train him to use it. OrthoPets reviews the pet’s progress, and notes what issues may need to be addressed before providing the final Stage 2 prosthetic. It’s a six-month process.

By Cat Food Site

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